Animal Rights – Survival

Animal Rights Survival

In the spirit of humanity, please take action to stop animal abuse. From the comfort of your chair, you can impede and stop animal abuse through taking action.


For 35 years Yoplait cups have been killing wildlife

Since 1978, when they first appeared on grocery store shelves, General Mills' Yoplait yogurt containers have been killing wildlife, perhaps thousands of animals each year.

Yoplait containers

Tempted by the sweet smell, animals stick their heads inside the conical-shaped containers to lick the bottom, and they get stuck. It's not so much the "vercon" shape of the cup or the size of the opening (5.25"), but the thin lip, or flange, at the top that angles in, not out.

How animals get stuck: The design of the cup allows an animal to force its head past the flexible rim, but when it tries to back out, the flange catches on the animal's hide, the back of its skull, or zygomatic arches (cheekbones). Deprived of fresh air, unable to see, unable to eat or drink, these animals suffer and die if not rescued in time. sign petition

Stop the dolphin slaughter in Taiji and bring an end to whale and dolphin captivity

angel dophine

The slaughter of 20,000 dolphins, porpoises, and small whales occurs in Japan each year. Starting on September 1st and usually continuing through March of the next year, fishermen herd whole families of small cetaceans into a shallow bays and mercilessly stab and drown them to death.

This annual slaughter of dolphins was virtually unknown until 2003 when Sea Shepherd globally released covertly-obtained film and photographs of the now infamous bloody “Cove” in a village called Taiji. Starting in 2010 and continuing to this day, Sea Shepherd has a ongoing presence of volunteers standing watch on site at the Cove. They are The Cove Guardians. sign petition

Stop this American Horror Story. Tell Walmart to Stop Torturing Pigs

pigs abuse
Warning, video is extremely disturbing.

Walmart’s torture of pigs is a real American horror story. Driven mad from boredom and stress, pregnant pigs confined to filthy gestation crates endure nightmarish conditions I would not wish on my worst enemies. Walmart must stop supporting cruel gestation crates.sign petition

Taking Action to Stop the Dolphin Massacre


Through this petition we demand you enforce the law with regards to the hunting and sale of dolphins for food and bait in Peru. We have all witnessed through various publications and images the terrible crime that happens on our shores. According to information published, 15,000 dolphins a year in are being killed in Peru. Don’t destroy our ocean. sign petition

Stop the needless slaughter of hundreds of bison!

February 13, 2014

Stop the needless slaughter of hundreds of bison!

Yellowstone is home to one of the last genetically pure herds of bison left in North America. Up to 1,600 of this 4,600-strong herd could be killed under this appalling scheme, once again preventing the herd’s expansion and setting back bison restoration to other areas of their historic range. sign petition

The new defense bill (H.R. 1960) before Congress would exempt the Navy from obeying wildlife protection laws


Off the California coast, sea otters are still struggling to recover from decades of hunting. Now the Navy says it wants a free pass to injure and kill them.

Tell Senators Feinstein and Boxer to say NO.



Help ban.the use of inhumane wire noose snare traps on Southern California Coyotes. sign petition