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DIY-Global Buckets

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Another Version of DIY Global Buckets

Grow 53 Plants in 4 Sq Ft with a Garden Tower Vertical Container Garden

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ sets up the Garden Tower Vertical Container Garden that allows you to grow 50+ plants in just 4 square feet of space. In this episode, John will share why the Garden Tower is unique and why it is the best vertical tower garden system he has found to date. The Garden Tower will allow you to have a vegetable garden where your normally couldn't such as on a patio, balcony, deck, sidewalk or driveway.

Lowest Delivered Prices on Compost Tea & other Organic Fertilizers for Your Garden

Soil Mix Suggestions:

  • Pro Mix BX with mycorrhizae or better - (Airmax below)
  • AIRMAX (high in coconut core fiber) triple washed
  • If you are unable to find AIRMAX, then use a product which contains highly washed coconut core (the shell part) with perlite
  • Rock dust (Azomites)
  • BioChar (by Soil Reef)
  • Soil Optimizer (by John and Bob)
  • Organic worm castings
  • Organic insect frass
  • Boogie Humus - http://www.boogiebrew.net/boogie-humus/


  • Rock dust minerals - http://www.boogiebrew.net/rock-dust/
  • Soil mix products: http://JohnandBobs.com

Bare Minimum:

  • Compost type
    • Thermophilic
    • Fungal
  • Soil Mix
    • warm castings
    • rock dust

Links to the Deals:

  1. John and Bobs Nature's Gardening Kit https://www.johnandbobs.com/purchase/...be sure to use discount code GrowGreen for 10% off your order.
  2. Agricola 4-8-4 Natural Fertilizer http://www.soilminerals.com/Agricolas...
  3. Azomite and Worm Castings http://www.rootnaturally.com/store/ be sure to use discount code growingyourgreens for 10% off your FIRST order. So order Large!
  4. Sea-90 Trace Minerals, California Humus and Boogie Brew Compost Tea Package http://www.boogiebrew.net/gyg

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