Qi Gong Or Chi For ALS
ALS/Lou Gehrig's Disease Cause and Cure?
What is found in the seafood, especially bottom feeders is the main cause of ALS "Lou Gehrig's Disease". ALS/Lou Gehrig's Disease Cause and Cure - This video explores a highly compelling cause of ALS, how it may have given Lou Gehrig himself ALS, and how the ALS Association is ignoring it all.
Thirty-three percent of fish are mislabeled, that is, the DNA does not match the name of the fish being sold. Sushi restaurants are as high as 70% of fish mislabeled.
BMAA is the culprit - ". . . it may be prudent to limit exposure fo BMAA in the human diet." [ β-Methylamino-L-alanine, or BMAA, is a non-proteinogenic amino acid produced by cyanobacteria. BMAA is a neurotoxin and its potential role in various neurodegenerative disorders is the subject of scientific research ] Alternative treatments for ALS