Jeremy Brown – Oath Keeper
January 6 Political Prisoner Jeremy Brown — Who Turned Down the FBI to Be an Operative on J6 — Status Hearing at 9:30 AM Eastern – Details Below on How to Listen In on the Hearing
Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Jeremy Brown served his country for 20 years in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.
Currently Jeremy Brown is a political prisoner of the Biden regime in Florida.
On Thursday afternoon, September 30th, 2021, at 3:45 PM Eastern the FBI raided Jeremy Brown’s home and arrested Jeremy. They charged Jeremy, a Green Beret and US Veteran, with trespassing on the US Capitol Grounds. Jeremy broke the invisible boundary around the US Capitol on January 6th along with tens of thousands of fellow Trump supporters.
Jeremy Brown’s actual crime was refusing to be an FBI informant on January 6th. So the Feds arrested him months later.
As we reported months ago, Jeremy Brown refused to be an informant for the dirty FBI — They wanted him to be one of their operatives at the Jan. 6 Trump rallies. He refused. Jeremy released audio proof of his conversations with the FBI in December 2020 so they threw him in prison.
Since September 30th Jeremy Brown has been held in prison without bail on a made-up trespassing charge!
Imagine that! In America!
As serial liar Liz Cheney and the January 6 Committee continue to lie to the American public about what happened on Janary 6, 2020 — They won’t include Jeremy’s story. Regimes never do. Liz and Company will not mention a peep about the men held in prison still today who DID NOT even walk into the US Capitol.
You can listen to Jeremy Brown’s Status Hearing this morning starting at 9:30 AM ET by following the directions below:
Dial: 1-877-848-7030 – Access Number: 321-8747 SurvivetheNews
Oath Keepers of California
We Believe in Honoring Our Constitutional Oath
The Oath Keepers are a group of proud patriots, dedicated to upholding the constitution of the United States. Our members have a long history of service to the United States as military, law enforcement and first responder professionals, and continue to serve through Oath Keepers programs and service missions. OathKeepers California
Green Beret Running For Office And Podcasting Live From Maximum Security Jail Cell In Clearwater Florida
We Believe in Honoring Our Constitutional Oath!
“The Utah OathKeepers are a group of proud patriots, dedicated to upholding the constitution of the United States. Our members have a long history of service to the United States as military, law enforcement and first responder professionals, and continue to serve through OathKeepers programs and service missions.”
The FBI Infiltration of Patriots
Sept. 14, 2022 - Some say the FBI has been using infiltrators to entrap people since its founding in 1908. Laying that argument aside, according to an exhaustive 2012 study by the Center on National Security (CNS) at Fordham Law School, “EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 138 terrorist incidents recorded in the USA between 2001-2012 involved FBI informants who played leading roles.”
Natural News, in a revealing article dated January 27, 2021, entitled “The FBI spent 80 years CREATING domestic terrorism; now they will target 80 million voters by labeling them terrorists, too”, presents a stunning portrayal of the FBI’s questionable performances of late.
Referencing the 2012 study by the CNS, Natural News states that those “informants did not simply observe the terror, nor did they try to thwart it. Instead, the informants played a leading role in carrying out the terror plots. They helped plan the terror and supplied collaborators with weapons. The FBI informants gave instructions and even went as far as recruiting Islamic terrorists. It turns out that ‘terrorism’ is rarely a naturally occurring, self-organized plot. Instead, terrorism is often executed because it is incited, aided, and abetted by federal law enforcement agencies.” Wow.
Americans better beware if they ever posted on social media that the 2020 election was fraudulent, attended a Trump rally, voted Republican, donated to a party other than Democrat, been charged with a crime, or talked with a psychiatrist. Any one of these acts can open up an FBI investigation. What was once considered an impossibility in America has now become a reality.
That makes what happened on January 6th, 2021, at the Capitol in D.C. all the more stunning. Have today’s informants become the FBI’s Number One weapons of mass destruction against American Patriots? It’s more than probable given the extraordinary⏤if not underreported story of Jeremy Brown. AmericaOutLoud