Doug MacGregor On US Military

Doug MacGregor: Looks Like We Are In “The Land of The Stupids” On US With Ukraine/Russia

March 22, 2022 -

Retired Army Colonel Accuses Pentagon Leadership Of Lying to Americans

Published: Aug 16, 2021 - Retired Army Colonel Doug MacGregor discusses collapse of Afghanistan, arguing he 'can't think of anything worse' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Former Top Pentagon Advisor Col. Doug Macgregor On Russia-Ukraine War

March 22, 2022 - Former senior advisor the Secretary of Defense Col. Doug Macgregor joins Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate for a candid, live discussion of the Russia-Ukraine war and his time in the Trump administration when an Afghan withdrawal was sabotaged and conflict with Iran and Syria continued.

The American Military is in Trouble: MacGregor

March 22, 2022 -