EVENT 2 – MAY 20, 2022 – ASSASSINATION IN ASIA – Project Looking Glass
Adding content multiple times - daily
- Just being aware of these events can prohibit them from happening - Secondly: create the desire for a positive outcome several times per day.
The members of this publication is printing notices on paper with the link, which then will be distributed to the public.
April 10, 2022 - Event 2 occurs on May 20, 2022. It involves the assassination of Dr. Winston Wu, who is heading up the revolutionary Raindrop project (https://raindropdao.org). This project involves the use of a Quantum computer being used to disrupt and dismantle the negative European power structure, as well the operations of The Large Hadron Collider, also known as CERN. We ask of our Guardians to share and spread this information, so that it can be prevented. Forbidden Knowledge
EVENT 1 of 2 - April 18, 2022 - NYC FALSE FLAG BOMBING - From the Guardians of the Looking Glass
What you can do to change the outcome of this prediction on April 18, 2022? By circulating these videos (this page) to the public or friends, you will get pushback - you may even be called "Gloom and Doom" Never-the-less, you must continue to expose the DeepState. If "Event 1" comes to pass, those of who you have contacted, will be shaken to think the US has possibly done this to their own population.
April 8, 2022 - We are a group of former intelligence officers and military officials, who have come together to release classified information about future events to come. Our knowledge comes from our work on the looking glass artifact, first discovered in Iraq, along with other discoveries in the 1990s. During this time, the artifact was activated by the US military and connected to computers. We were able to see dozens of future timelines, and the convergence, or singularities, that led to two possible outcomes by the year 2030.