Side Effects of Vaccines
Impact on the Young
Xinhua is Funded in Whole or In Part by the Chinese Government.
"Vaccinations have been used around the world for decades, preventing disease and death for millions of people. However, for a very small number of people, vaccinations can lead to severe side effects. Today on China View, we visit two families whose children have suffered after receiving vaccinations."
“Vaxxed Film” Reveals Deaths and Injuries Caused by Vaccines by Interviewing the Victims – Gardasil Vaccine the Worst?
Robert DeNiro Debates Autism's Link To Vaccines
With the current rush to fast-track a vaccine that will supposedly stop the Coronavirus, it is important to look at some of the history of vaccines, especially ones developed to supposedly stop viruses. Perhaps one of the most deadly and dangerous vaccines to ever hit the market in the U.S. is the Gardasil vaccine which supposedly targets a virus that is thought to cause cancer, the human papillomavirus (HPV). For the better part of the last decade,
Health Impact News has published more stories of lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine than any other single vaccine. We will list some of those stories at the end of this article. If you are new to investigating the vaccine issue because you have begun to question what the corporate media and Big Pharma want you to believe about vaccines without presenting any dissenting voices, then I highly recommend both of the Vaxxed films. Vaxxed I:
From Cover-up to Catastrophe, is based on the story of a CDC whistleblower who has revealed corruption within the CDC Vaccine Program but never got a chance to testify in Congress. Vaxxed I premiered in 2016. Vaxxed II: The People's Truth, premiered in 2019 and is the result of Polly Tommey's bus tours during Vaxxed I where she interviewed over 7000 people across the country who told their vaccine stories to her. The following 22 minute clip from Vaxxed II highlights the HPV vaccine, and the numerous interviews by Polly during her bus tour across the U.S. of families who testified to the damaging effects of the Gardasil vaccine.
Remember, this information about Gardasil has been known for years, but the official position of the corporate-run media and Big Pharma is that this is "fake news," and all the doctors, and all the scientists who have spoken out against this vaccine have been censored by them, or they have been labeled "quacks" if their voices became too popular to suppress. They don't want you to know this. source With the current rush to fast-track a vaccine that will supposedly stop the Coronavirus, it is important to look at some of the history of vaccines, especially ones developed to supposedly stop viruses. Perhaps one of the most deadly and dangerous vaccines to ever hit the market in the U.S. is the Gardasil vaccine which supposedly targets a virus that is thought to cause cancer, the human papillomavirus (HPV).
For the better part of the last decade, Health Impact News has published more stories of lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine than any other single vaccine. We will list some of those stories at the end of this article. If you are new to investigating the vaccine issue because you have begun to question what the corporate media and Big Pharma want you to believe about vaccines without presenting any dissenting voices, then I highly recommend both of the Vaxxed films. Vaxxed I:
From Cover-up to Catastrophe, is based on the story of a CDC whistleblower who has revealed corruption within the CDC Vaccine Program but never got a chance to testify in Congress. Vaxxed I premiered in 2016. Vaxxed II:
The People's Truth, premiered in 2019 and is the result of Polly Tommey's bus tours during Vaxxed I where she interviewed over 7000 people across the country who told their vaccine stories to her. The following 22 minute clip from Vaxxed II highlights the HPV vaccine, and the numerous interviews by Polly during her bus tour across the U.S. of families who testified to the damaging effects of the Gardasil vaccine. Remember, this information about Gardasil has been known for years, but the official position of the corporate-run media and Big Pharma is that this is "fake news," and all the doctors, and all the scientists who have spoken out against this vaccine have been censored by them, or they have been labeled "quacks" if their voices became too popular to suppress. They don't want you to know this. source With the current rush to fast-track a vaccine that will supposedly stop the Coronavirus,
it is important to look at some of the history of vaccines, especially ones developed to supposedly stop viruses. Perhaps one of the most deadly and dangerous vaccines to ever hit the market in the U.S. is the Gardasil vaccine which supposedly targets a virus that is thought to cause cancer, the human papillomavirus (HPV).
For the better part of the last decade, Health Impact News has published more stories of lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine than any other single vaccine. We will list some of those stories at the end of this article. If you are new to investigating the vaccine issue because you have begun to question what the corporate media and Big Pharma want you to believe about vaccines without presenting any dissenting voices, then I highly recommend both of the Vaxxed films. Vaxxed I: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, is based on the story of a CDC whistleblower who has revealed corruption within the CDC Vaccine Program but never got a chance to testify in Congress. Vaxxed I premiered in 2016. Vaxxed II: The People's Truth, premiered in 2019 and is the result of Polly Tommey's bus tours during Vaxxed I where she interviewed over 7000 people across the country who told their vaccine stories to her.
The following 22 minute clip from Vaxxed II highlights the HPV vaccine, and the numerous interviews by Polly during her bus tour across the U.S. of families who testified to the damaging effects of the Gardasil vaccine. Remember, this information about Gardasil has been known for years, but the official position of the corporate-run media and Big Pharma is that this is "fake news," and all the doctors, and all the scientists who have spoken out against this vaccine have been censored by them, or they have been labeled "quacks" if their voices became too popular to suppress. They don't want you to know this. source
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Impact on Adults
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