* archived blocks

Your Life is Scripted: Neville Goddard Reveals the Illusion of Free Will | Law of Assumption

Douglas Macgregor: Our Country Our Choice

Douglas Macgregor Our Country Our Choice

Oct. 30, 2023 -

EVs Are Being Heavily Subsidized By US Taxpayers

Electric Vehicle

Oct 29, 2023

Drink 1 CUP PER DAY to Shrink an Enlarged Prostate

Drink 1 Cup Per Day To Shrink An Enlarged Prostate

The drink is, citrus lemon peel (the peel has the chemical we need) in a blender with stevia drops, and blue berries, also green tea, cruciferous veggies, and reduce carbs.

The Frequency Of God Is Within You, Here Is How To Use It

The Frequency Of God Is Within You, Here Is How To Use It

What if the nature of reality. Is like a mirror. A mirror reflects light, that forms an image. A mirror has no image of its own. So, reality in essence might not have a grand plan of its own.

Most Powerful Mudras

Most Powerful Mudras

Added: Oct. 21, 2023 -

Assemblage Point: How to See New Worlds? | Practice of Shifting the Assemblage Point

Assemblage Point How To See New Worlds

Manifest Anything Using “Water Technique” | Dolores Cannon | Law of Attraction

Manifest Anything Using Water Technique

No More Sleepless Nights: The Ultimate Cure for Urination Frequency at Night (Nocturia) Dr. Eric Berg DC

No More Sleepless Nights The Ultimate Cure for Urination Frequency at Night

Experiencing frequent urination at night is miserable. Learn what you can do about nocturia.

Tighten & Flatten your Lower Belly with ONE EXERCISE (Guaranteed!)

Tighten & Flatten your Lower Belly with ONE EXERCISE

Added: 9-29, 2023 - In todays video i'm taking about one exercise that will tighten and flatten your lower belly regardless of your body fat percentage. This works because were talking about a muscle disfunction, namely the transverse abdominis muscle. Doing this exercise daily consistently will help train your transverse abdominis to tighten and sit flatter which will help give your abdomen and tighter appearance.

China Dumps Nearly $500 Billion in U.S. Bonds, Yellen Sends Another Distress Signal – Dollar Doomed?

Sept. 24, 2023 -

Manifesting Is REAL

Quit Running, Do This Instead

Exercising for Finger Dexterity Avoids Dementia (along with reduced sugar intake (diabetes))

Unimaginable Strength Yet A Petite And Feminine Girl

Do Nothing “ONLY” Ask These Questions Before SLEEP

Do Nothing Only Ask These Questions Before Sleep

Does He Know A Secret?

Sept. 21, 2023 -

Bob Proctor: What We Need To Study

Get Educated

Over 20 Mil In the UK Received First Round of Vaccines – Feb 28, 2021

Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be 'colossally stupid'

(CNN)Vaccine experts are warning the federal government against rushing out a coronavirus vaccine before testing has shown it's both safe and effective. Decades of history show why they're right.

An EUA (emergency use authorization) is much quicker. Only once before has the FDA given a vaccine this lesser standard approval of an EUA, but it was in an unusual circumstance. Soldiers had sued, claiming a mandatory anthrax vaccine made them sick, and a judge put a hold on the program. The Department of Defense asked for an EUA that then overrode the court ruling in 2005, so it could continue vaccinating military personnel -- this time on a voluntary basis.
Otherwise, vaccines have had to go through the entire clinical trial process and FDA approval process, which can take months or years.

When the vaccine making process has been rushed, there have been bad outcomes.[popup_trigger id="26027" tag="button"]click here[/popup_trigger]

Dustin John Higgs, Wrongly Convicted He Is One of Three People Set to Be Executed This Month

Dustin John Higgs, Wrongly Convicted He Is One of Three People Set to Be Executed This Month

Jan 3, 2021 - Take Action

The New Covid-19 Bill

  •  The Bill has passed both House and Senate without being read by the vast majority of those voting in favor. Congressional leaders took the must-pass nature of the $900 billion package of long-overdue Covid-19 assistance
  • One disturbing section dramatically expands copyright law to the point that anyone caught in “unauthorized streaming” of copyrighted content more than once could face 10 years in prison – even if they didn’t know the content was protected
  • the bloated aid package will lavish Israel with a whopping $3.8 billion in grants and foreign aid – much of it earmarked for purchasing weapons frequently used to violate international law – and dump hundreds of millions more on such paragons of human rights as Egypt and Sudan - read more

A Simulation Test Where A Biological Weapon Was Used Inside The US Was Code Named ‘Dark Winter’

Nov 30, 2020 - News Wars reports: The reason why this is a concern is because so many of these “simulations” and “exercises” end up mirroring real life events that happen at a later date.

For example, most of you have probably heard about Event 201 by now.  On October 18th, 2019 a group of prominent individuals gathered in New York City to simulate what would happen during a worldwide coronavirus pandemic

For example, most of you have probably heard about Event 201 by now.  On October 18th, 2019 a group of prominent individuals gathered in New York City to simulate what would happen during a worldwide coronavirus pandemic…  source

Danish Study Raises Questions on Efficacy of Mask Use Against Covid-19

Nov, 19, 2020 -

A comprehensive Danish study has found that face masks provide no clear protection from Covid-19 infection to the wearer.

The study of more than 6,000 Danes published by the Copenhagen-based hospital Rigshospitalet saw no significant protection against coronavirus transmission.

Researchers expected to see a halving of the risk of transmission in cases where subjects were wearing masks, but were surprised to see a far more modest rate of protection of up to 20 percent. source

US District Judge: Covid-19 Restrictions Violated Citizens’ Constitutional Rights

Sept 14, 2020 -  US District Judge William Stickman IV, a Trump appointee, ruled on Monday in a 66-page opinion that the restrictions were overreaching, arbitrary, and violated citizens' constitutional rights. Plaintiffs in the case include hair salons, a farmer's market vendor, a horse trainer drive-in movie theaters, and several GOP lawmakers, according to 6ABC.

The ruling means that the current restrictions - including limitations on the size of all gatherings, cannot be enforced. source  

DOJ Report Lists 200 Vaccine Injuries and 1 Vaccine Death Compensated During 6 Month Period – And that’s Without a Fast-Tracked COVID Vaccine

September 10, 2020

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services met on September 4, 2020, and the Department of Justice reported that during a 6-month period from February 16th through August 15th this year, 200 vaccine injuries and one death were compensated through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) source

Newborn Black Babies in the US Are More Likely to Survive Childbirth if Black Doctors Care for Them

Aug. 23, 2020 - Newborn black babies in the US are more likely to survive childbirth if Black doctors care for them instead of White doctors, a study has found. read more

Investigative Journalist Harry Vox Warns During 2014 Against Coming Lockdowns & Quarantines.

July 5, 2020 -

Harry Vox warned us this was coming in 2014, & we sat around twiddling our thumbs & believing there's no way our warm fuzzy overlords could have such ill intentions. it's 2020 now - are you listening? (get more at VoxNews.com, not to be confused with the slimy slithering scumbags Vox.com who cuddle up to the Rockefeller Foundation itself)

Wisconsin State Agency Requires Employees to Wear Masks While Teleconferencing At Home

Aug. 14, 2020 - A Wisconsin state agency has required employees to wear masks while teleconferencing from home, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.


"Its like building a chain linked fence in trying to keep dust particles out."

American Cities Are Currently Targeted by, Police/Mossad/Freemason Gangs Who Are Organizing Protests, Counter-Protests, Staging Looting . . . (Gordon Duff)

June 17, 2020 - Thirty three American cities are currently targeted by, and we are oversimplifying, police/Mossad/Freemason gangs who are organizing protests, counter-protests, staging looting and shaking down business owners.  They have already made millions.

These same groups, we are told, were responsible for a bio-terror attack on the US that has now led to 120,000 dead and the unusual nature of the spread and re-spread of COVID 19. source

10 Ways To Escape The Matrix (Create Passive Income and Be Your Boss)

Escaping the Matrix (video segment)

What you may acquire may be your demise

Dangerous Levels Of the Weed Killing Chemical Glyphosate Have Been Gound In Many Popular Breakfast Cereals

Below, Youtube Deleted Videos

Covert Ops - Police as Journalist/Protesters -  June 1, 2020

Links to Studies On the Benefits of ACV

Cornel West Lights Up CNN With Uncomfortable Truths! – June 8, 2020

Measles being spread by VACCINATED children, research confirms

June 25, 2020 - Mainstream media reports are brimming with condemnation against parents who make the informed decision not to vaccinate their children, claiming that unvaccinated individuals are directly responsible for triggering the handful of recent measles “outbreaks” that have been reported across the United States. But studies show that it’s actually the vaccinated “herd,” in many cases, that’s actively contracting this chickenpox-like illness, as well as spreading it to others. source

The Broken Policing System Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj

2014 was a turning point in the national conversation around police violence after the killings of Michael Brown, Laquan Mcdonald, and Eric Garner. Five years later, Hasan examines the systems in place that protect and sometimes incentivize police misconduct in America.

One Example Which Depicts the Police Culture – June 15, 2020

Peaceful Protester Asked a Cop - "What Is Going to Happen At 8:00?" Answer:

Susan Rice Blames Russia For George Floyd Protests – June 8, 2020

The Great Reset

A history on the way resets are constructed.

The Great Reset by Cartels: Smooth talking of the greedy cartel crooks on the benefits of the Federal Reserve bank (FRB).
Understanding the FRB First segment &start=390
The building of the FSB  second segment start=557&end=

will serve up more reset programs which have only benefited the so called, elite.

Racist Woman Calls Police Falsely on a Black Man – May 31, 2020

The racist incident is prompting discussions about the long history of white people falsely reporting Black people to the police.

Police Who Were Fired But Then Hired Back

Fired then hired back:  start=85

Police and the FBI Enjoy “Qualified Immunity”

". . . is that “government officials performing discretionary functions generally are shielded from liability for civil damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.”9 By applying the reasonable person standard, the Supreme Court established, for the first time, a purely objective standard to determine whether granting a government official qualified immunity was appropriate." source

What needs to be fixed within the criminal justice system before any real reform will be made. - 

Your Pensions Are About to Get Trashed – June 6, 2020

"The biggest crises to hit after this pandemic, is that pensions are going to crash."(Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad") start=1875

Law In Progress To Silence Whistle-blowers On Animal Cruelty and Food Contamination – Iowa June 17, 2020

"In Iowa, Politicians Protect the Meat Industry by Making Animal Rights Activists Criminals" The intent is to silence whistle blowers and those that would expose animal welfare abuses,” said Adam Mason, the state policy director for Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, which has fought two previous ag-gag laws in Iowa courts.Animal rights activists have repeatedly published damning footage of Iowa farms that reveals sick or wounded animals and overcrowded conditions. In some cases, such footage has been captured via undercover investigations in which an activist obtains a job at a factory farm; in others, activists have entered properties surreptitiously to film poor conditions. source

It’s All A SMOKESCREEN – The Big Distraction

What you don't know, can hurt you.

PCR Tests – a Sham In the History of Mankind

An interview with Dr. Mullis - the scientist who invented PCR test.

In recent months an abundance of evidence has shown that the “gold standard” procedure for detecting COVID-19 is unreliable and could be producing untold numbers of false positives. If this is the case, why are health officials around the world calling for more tests? A discussion with Dr. Kary Mullis - Nobel Laureate, Chemistry - source

Tell Me, Why Would Government Support and Do Business With a Country and Leader Who Makes This Statement?

click to enlarge image

Is it not treasonous not to address this while this is known to be true?

read more

You’re Buying FAKE Honey From China…Cut With Sugar, Corn Syrup & Other Nasty Stuff!

Pfizer Exec Caught Hoping Virus Never Ends So Pharma Can Make Bank

Massive Cyber-Attack Hits Russia; Soon After Biden Announces A Cyberattack

March 10, 2021

Biden has stated that the US will reciprocate for a Russian alleged attack on Microsoft servers. Russia is reporting massive cyber attacks on their infrastructure. Sources said the actions would be less evident to outsiders but would send a clear signal to President Vladimir V. Putin and his officials. They added that cyber attacks could be combined with more economic sanctions.

A Wakeup Call to the Sheep and Cattle

"The true purpose of government is to dictate commands call laws to protect its own interest . . . "

Only 9% of the Covid 2Trillion Covid Bill Deals with Covid

March 10, 2021 - Simply put, this bill is not about COVID relief.

Less than 9% of funding in the COVID stimulus bill actually goes towards public health spending.

Dems have stayed true to the motto "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Why don't we address the problems at hand & let them debate their destructive liberal agenda on its merits?

— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) February 18, 2021 source

It didn’t take the swamp long to come back in full force after former President Trump left office, and there’s no better example of that than the COVID-19 relief bill, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said.

Speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, McCarthy said that “only 9 percent of it goes to COVID.”

“What they are doing is telling you the swamp is back. Everything you have warned your viewers about before the election is coming true in this bill,” he said. source

The editors conclude that it’s disingenuous to call it a COVID relief bill when in reality it’s a “progressive blowout for the ages that does little for the economy but will finance Democratic interest groups for years.” source


Raoul Pal When to get OUT of Bitcoin, Michael Saylor Exit Strategy for Bitcoin & Bitcoin Prediction

Today's Crypto News: Buy Bitcoin [BTC] Altcoin Bargains:

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines; They’re IRREVERSIBLE Gene Therapy with No “Undo” Switch

Feb 23, 2021 - Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They’re really experimental . . . source

If both DNA and RNA are changed to the point where you are no longer classified as a human, can this bring benefits to those who rule?

Rare Blood Disorders Showing Up After People Get COVID VAXX

[popup_trigger id="25538" tag="button alignright"]Click to read article[/popup_trigger]

Facts On the Virus Manufacturers

  • Please note: Google is an Industrial Big Pharma Complex player through its affiliate: Alphabet - Google will remove any videos which depicts vaccines or manufacturers of vaccines in a negative light.
  • Phizer and Moderna are completely insulated from any law suits
  • The pharma industry maintains you must undergo multiple vaccine shots or jabs for the first stage then more as the so called, virus is mutating,
  • Follow the money - Moderna was resurrected from bankruptcy by Bill Gates and Dr. Faucci. The company was in about 1.5 billion dollars in debt and actually manufactured nothing.
  • Dr Faucci and Gates have ownership in Moderna and other vaccines manufacturers ref
  • Why vaccine manufacturers and not liable

Hard DIsks in NANCY PELOSI'S Offices Downloaded and Stolen During Capitol Protest  

"As rioters stormed the Capitol building, they broke into congressional offices, ransacked papers and in at least one case, stole a laptop, according to a video shared on Twitter by Sen. Jeff Merkley." source

NY Law Introduced to Designate & Detain Un-Vaccinated & Un-Masked as BIO-Terrorists! – Jan 3, 2021 –

How this Covid-19 Relief Bill Is Being Distributed

Dec 22, 2020 - Summary: At 3.5 billion going to Israel, that means with their population, each man women and child will get $760 each, more money than the piddling $600 each American is going to get. source

Great Depression SHOCKING Financial Corruption

One of my favorite quotes of all times is “There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see.” I’ve tried to explain some things to people and it’s like talking to a wall! (quote by: Ultimate Handyman )

A Physician in Boston Said He Suffered One of the Worst Allergic Reactions He’s Ever Experienced After Receiving Moderna’s Covid-19 jab

Dec 24, 2020 - Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh, a hematology oncology fellow at Boston Medical Center, was given the drug on Christmas Eve. The health care worker, who has a severe shellfish allergy, said his heart began to race after taking the vaccine. Initially, he thought his increased heart rate was due to anxiety he had about the jab, stemming from reports of serious medical episodes occurring after people with allergies were injected with Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine.

However, he soon realized that he was suffering from something far more dangerous. Within minutes, Sadrzadeh’s tongue and throat began to tingle and go numb, a reaction that he associated with his shellfish allergy. Even more concerning, his blood pressure then dipped so low that it wasn’t even detectable with a monitor.- RT

Dr. Rashid A Buttar On the Accuracy of Covid Testing

Kicking People Out Of Their Homes During a Pandemic Economic Crisis

"Someone should kick the mayor out of his house for the Xmas season."

Iran Assassinates Mossad Chief in Downtown Tel Aviv

Dec 7, 2020 - VT: Confirmed, Fahmi Hinavi, operational chief of Israel’s Mossad, was killed by an Iranian team inside Tel Aviv on Thursday night. Hinavi is thought to be the force behind the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist a few short weeks ago.

America Closes Down — People Get Shafted As Monopolies Take Over!

Dec. 6, 2020 -

Quoted by: Singularity Squared LLC, "America is being broken on purpose. Blackmailed sociopaths are what the citizenry are up against."

Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro has said he will not take a vaccine against the coronavirus even after it receives approval from his own government. “I’m telling you, I won’t take it (the vaccine),” he said in a video posted to social media on Thursday. “It is my right.”

Nov 29, 2020 - Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro has said he will not take a vaccine against the coronavirus even after it receives approval from his own government.

"I'm telling you, I won't take it (the vaccine)," he said in a video posted to social media on Thursday. "It is my right." source

Nov 14, 2020

The Governor of Penn Knew About the Coronavirus in Late 2019 - Then adjusted Legislation for Mail-In Ballots.     

Biden Is A Worse Version of Trump

Biden's Cabinet Of WAR

"People who voted fro Biden don't care. They just care orange man bad. It's like talking to a potato." Quote from, Michael Russo. More on the Joe Biden Page

Bill Introduced to Allow Minors to Consent to Get Vaccinated – Nov 13, 2020

DC to Give Children Vaccine Consent Behind Their Parents' Backs

  • B23-0171 - Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2019

  • BILL SUMMARY - As introduced, this bill permits a minor of any age to consent to receive a vaccine where the vaccination is recommended by the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. It also establishes that if a minor is able to comprehend the need for, the nature of, and any significant risks inherent in the medical care then informed consent is established.

Fake Information About COVID That TV Watcher Believe

Here are ten messages that are essential pieces of the standard COVID narrative, but which are unfounded in actual science. Stay tuned for a detailed rebuttal of each.[popup_trigger id="23047" tag="button"]click[/popup_trigger]

Virginia’s Health Commissioner Said He Will Make a Coronavirus Vaccine Legally Mandatory for all State Residents

Aug 23, 2020 -  Virginia’s health commissioner said he will make a coronavirus vaccine legally mandatory for all state residents when one is ready, arguing it will save lives, as critics push back, demanding the right to choose for themselves. source: RT Its soon coming to your state.

Pandemic Is A Great Cover For A Financial System Reset – June 5, 2020

SBTV spoke with Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading, about where the world is headed to from this crisis and how gold and silver are the best assets to protect wealth during these times.

Your Life is Scripted: Neville Goddard Reveals the Illusion of Free Will | Law of Assumption

33 Year Old Doctor In Perfect Health After mRNA Vaccine

First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination — Attorney Interview

In this interview, which was banned by YouTube before it was even published, Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico. Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy for first responders to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or face termination. video

Scientist Says a Coronavirus Vaccine in Just 12 Months is ‘Fake News’ | 60 Minutes Australia

Right now, there’s one thing all eight billion people on earth are wishing for: A vaccine for COVID-19. Political leaders everywhere, sweating on getting us to the other side of the pandemic, boldly promise it’ll happen within 12 to 18 months. But why should they be so optimistic? After all, vaccines normally take decades to formulate and manufacture, and quite often success never comes. As Liam Bartlett finds out, some scientists say talk of a coronavirus vaccine is not only raising false hope, it’s fake news. to-the-point: (video segment)

COVID-19 Kills By Blood Clotting and Not By Pneumonia

Feb. 15, 2021 - "The treatment consisted of three 500 mg aspirin tablets dissolved in a hot drink made from warmed lemon juice and honey. The next morning the whole family woke up as if they had no symptoms!" [popup_trigger id="25658" tag="button"]click here[/popup_trigger]

NSA Goal Is ‘Total Population Control’ Out With Democracy

Feb. 13, 2021 - William Binney worked for the National Security Agency as a code-breaker for more than 30 years. At a recent conference, he said their (NSA) ultimate goal is total population control.

Investigative Journalism Discovers Lead In Baby Food

Feb 5, 2021 - 

New report finds “toxic heavy metals” like arsenic and mercury in popular baby foods

[popup_trigger id="25275" tag="button"]full article[/popup_trigger]

FedEx is storing Thousands of Body Bags – For What?

Doctor Gregory Michael, 56, Died 15 Days After Taking Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine, in Florida

Doctor Gregory Michael, 56, died 15 days after taking Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine, in Florida in the US. In Portugal, Sonia Azevedo, 41 and the mother of two children, died after getting the jab. She worked as a surgical assistant and was among the first health workers to receive the vaccine.

The health service in Miami is now investigating Michael’s death and believes that it was because of an unusual autoimmune reaction. His wife, Heidi Neckelmann, told local media that her husband “sought emergency care three days after receiving the vaccine because he had spots on his skin that indicated internal bleeding”. She wants his case to be a warning to others who want to take the vaccine. source

How To Run Interference While Appearing to Bring About Change (The Sabotage Field Manual)

Like any skill which needs to be integrated into a profession, below is just one of many tactics for: Political members, officials, world and local leaders, those who hold position of power, those who are required to answer to accountability.

Organizations and Conferences

  1. Insist on doing everything through "channels." Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to, expedite decisions.
  2. Make "speeches." Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your "points" by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate "patriotic" comments.
  3. When possible, refer all matters to committees, for "further study and consideration." Attempt to make the committees as large as possible - never less than five.
  4. Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.
  5. Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.
  6. Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to reopen the question of the advisability of that decision.
  7. Advocate "caution." Be "reasonable" and urge your fellow-conferees to be "reasonable" and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on.
  8. Be worried about the propriety of any decision -raise the question of whether such action as is contemplated lies within the jurisdiction of the group or whether it might conflict with the policy of some higher echelon.

more on this

The Supreme Court In the Ica Region of Peru Is Investigating if COVID-19 was invented by the “Criminal Elites” of Hungarian-American Philanthropist 

The Supreme Court in the Ica region of Peru is investigating a resolution by a local court, claiming that COVID-19 was invented by the "criminal elites" of Hungarian-American Philanthropist George Soros, the Rockefeller family, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

We "have ordered a preliminary investigation into the Chief Justices of the Criminal Appeals Chamber Chincha and Pisco to obtain evidence that will help determine the presence or absence of alleged violations", the Ica Supreme Court said in a message published on its Facebook page.

The probe comes after the Chinch and Pisco court reportedly moved to justify a petition for an extension of pre-trial detention in one criminal case due to the unpredictable nature of the coronavirus pandemic created by the "criminal elites who dominate the world". source

Medical and housing is a birth right not a privilege

Florida Unites Against Mandated Insanity of Mask, Vacines and Lockdowns – Dec 22, 2020

Florida Unites Against Mandated Insanity

  • No mandatory vaccines
  • No closing of businesses
  • No closing of schools
  • No more continuous State of Emergency
    Take Action

The Great Reset is Here - The Impact

The re-marketed, "New World Order" (NWO) is now The Great Reset. No matter which politics you support, no matter where you live, you will feel the brunt force of this stage of Agenda 2021.Things as you know it will be upside down. What seemed reasonable will be abolished, what is bad will be adapted as normal and inscribed as law.

  • A radical attack on freedom and traditional values to usher in the The Great Reset (NWO)
  • States will lose their sovereignty and be controlled by a central government
  • The individual will also lose their sovereignty with much of the US Constitution and the UN laws obliterated
  • Vaccinations will be mandatory - and will little to do with Covid
  • The dollars and cash will be eliminated in the way of digital money. Your personal funds can be stopped, paused, resumed or increased depending on your behavior
  • Private property will be seized by the government or auctioned off. Private property ownership will be first exposed to the harsh condition of lock-downs, increased taxes and high unemployment
  • The population will be cattled-up, removed to live in dense areas where they can be easily controlled and monitored

"In his letter last month to the president, Archbishop Viganò wrote this and it’s worth hearing:

“This Great Reset is designed to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and their grandchildren.”

China Predicts ‘Fall of U.S. Political System

Nov. 5, 2020 - Chinese state media predicts that the U.S. political system as we know it is about to collapse, in a grim assessment of this week’s election. “The decline of U.S. politics in 2020 is destined to be recorded in history,” wrote China’s state-run Global Times. The outlet cited gun and ammunition purchases as evidence that a civil war is looming:

"The decay is first manifested by the embarrassing situation: Effective governance in the US is relatively or absolutely insufficient. The government’s responsibility – to provide society with the necessary public goods to cope with the impact and challenge of a crisis – is absent.

People are seeing strange and even contradictory signs. The US has the most developed medical technology and system that can “cure” a 74-year-old white elderly man (US President Donald Trump), infected with the novel coronavirus, in just three days. Yet this same country – with about 4 percent of the world’s population – contributes to more than 20 percent of the world’s COVID-19 mortality.

This kind of comparison marks the decline of the US government’s capabilities. In the face of the public crisis caused by the novel coronavirus epidemic, the US government can hardly take any effective measures to counter and control the disease. For the US, which has always regarded itself as the only superpower after the end of the Cold War, the leader of the international system, and the defender of the Western free world, this is clearly a shock to its system." NewsPunch

Google, Turned Military Contractor Funded By Saudi Arabia

Oct. 23 - Google, the search engine, turned out to be a military contractor funded by Saudi Arabia and was running false flag terror operations. source

German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks

"German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’ (and it’s worse for kids). source

The COVID19 Hoax Are Crimes Against Humanity – Germany is Leading This Legal Fight

Youtube removes videos like this. Remember, Youtube's, "Alphabet is in the Phama business.

The video Youtube delete:

Visit the COVID-19 Hoax page

The Alliance for Natural Health USA (Note: The government is not your friend)

So called, government agencies and institutions are blocking and prohibiting products and homeopathic treatments would be beneficial to the public with respect to minimizing or protecting against COVID-19. These products and substances have a history based upon scientific data to their benefits. Go to the petition page

Both Trump and Biden are Zionist puppets ready to do Israel’s bidding

Aug 21, 2020 - Trump is a narcissistic pathological liar with a long history of routine unethical business practices -- so his word is meaningless if it does not fit the agenda of his globalist handlers.

The major “alternative” in the November election is another Zionist puppet with questionable ethics ready to do Israel's bidding---so if there is a change in Washington, Iran will remain under threat.

Right now the globalists are busy with the COVID-19 operation designed to achieve mass vaccinations of the world's population. Some of the properties in the upcoming vaccines are purported to alter the DNA of humans which would essentially transform the common masses into hybrids. source

T.V. Is Not Your Friend

[popup_trigger id="25922" tag="button"]See why[/popup_trigger]

‘Vaccines won’t work’: US virologist breaks down COVID-19, How To Curb the Spread

April 11, 2021

[popup_trigger id="28928" tag="button"]click to access video with outline[/popup_trigger]

Notes from Video (Left) – Melbourne Cops May Now Enter Homes Without Warrant

  1. Introduced measures for 6 weeks which is the most stringent and will make the people prisioners in their own home
  2. A curfew between the hours of 8 pm and 5 am and not able to go more than 5 kilometers (16404ft) from your home
  3. You are allowed out for an hour a day
  4. You are not allowed to go to the supermarket in twos
  5. You are not allowed to go to work or schools or child care or you are going to be shot
  6. Not allowed to visitors no visit others unless you are giving or receiving care
  7. You can not leave Melbourne or go somewhere else
  8. All business, services, warehouses, construction,

The reason for all of this, or the reason being given for this, is because of 7 deaths within a 24 hour period.

Lets look at those deaths:

  • 3 were over the age of 70
  • 2 were over the age of 80
  • 2 were over the age of 90

May have died from preconditions and may have had corona in their system.

Huge Profits for Vaccine Makers

[popup_trigger id="18377" tag="button"]click[/popup_trigger]

How To Fix Enlarged Prostate Explained By Dr.Berg

How to Remove Dust Mites From A Mattress Fast

Have you ever heard the expression “sleeping with the enemy?” Well, we actually do sleep with the enemy, and most of the time we don't even know it. Mites are extremely small bugs that live in our mattresses, pillows, and bed sheets.

What is Contact Tracing?

CT is coming to your neighborhood

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Mesa Cop Who Killed An Unarmed Man Was fired, Rehired and Retired

Philip Brailsford is considered medically retired, not fired, according to a Mesa city spokesman.

What is Contact Tracing?

CT is coming to your neighborhood

[popup_trigger id="17938" tag="button"]See doc[/popup_trigger]

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Bill, H.R. 6666

H.R. 6666 — A bill to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities (including X- military personnel) to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Promoting Police Accountability

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Contrasting Truths

Question: Why didn't any of the Minn. police stop or intervene on behalf of the murder of George Floyd?:

Answer: What happens when you do intervene:

Question: Is the human population growing or in fact reducing?

Answer: The population is actually reducing radically -

Add Your Name to Demand Change In the Way Police Departments Operate in America.

Over one million people have signed Bryce’s petition to overhaul policing in America. Signers want police to undergo expanded psychological testing. They want a national database that tracks police violence. And they want better models of policing to curb police violence. Add your name to Bryce’s petition to demand change in the way police departments operate in America. See how police unions contracts shields the police from misconduct and abuse.   Take Action [popup_trigger id="19662" tag="button"]click to display[/popup_trigger]

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Manifest ANYTHING like this- Wayne Dyer

Write This 7X And Put It Under Your Pillow – WATCH WHAT HAPPENS! – Law of Attraction

In this video I talk about Neville Goddard's techniques to mastering the
Law of Assumption. Join me as I explain in further detail what Law of Assumption entails. Once you master this one simple knowledge you will be able to manifest anything you believe.

Peace, War and 9/11

Do This For ONE NIGHT, This Worked For Me | Neville Goddard | Law Of Assumption

Experience the transformative teachings of Neville Goddard and unlock the power of manifestation with this captivating video. Whether you're a newcomer to his principles or already familiar with "The Secret" book or film, this content is designed to help you effortlessly manifest your objectives.

April 16, 2021 -
US and Turkish special forces are pouring into Ukraine

The Ukraine Stand-off

April 15, 2021

No choice but to retaliate | Moscow responds to new US sanctions

Mass Exodus from Ukraine
150 Turkish service members (special forces) have arrived in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol on the coast of the Sea of Azov, WarGonzo reported on April 15, citing residents of the city.

Locals said that the service members were not likely drone operators that have been sent to train Ukrainian troops on newly-acquired Bayraktar TB2 combat drones before. According to the locals, the newly-deployed personnel look like Turkish special forces. / If confirmed, the deployment of Turkish service members in Mariupol would contradict the last statement of Turkey’s Foreign Minister. Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Ankara is not picking a side in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and supports a diplomatic resolution of the conflict in Donbass.

Current defcon level alert status condition was last updated today, April 22, 2021


(see status site)

[popup_trigger id="29697" tag="button"]Level descriptions[/popup_trigger] [popup_trigger id="29764" tag="button"]Designated US Target Map[/popup_trigger]

April 17 - Belarus Draws Closer to Russia after a CIA Assassination attempt against Belarus President Lukashenko.

*Russia Gives NATO 6 days to remove Its forces from its border

A *US sub may have entered the Black Sea and within Russian territorial waters


We are closer to a nuclear war than the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962

Intentional Mis-Guidance On Testing for COVid-19

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Iraqi Resistance Forces Attack Mossad Terrorists In Northern Iraq Killing A Number Of Israeli Mossad (link)

Tulsi Gabbard issues warning about potential war with Russia

US Get Out of Ukraine Petition

[popup_trigger id="28264" tag="button"]click to read more[/popup_trigger]

US Warmongers, Stop Provoking A Russian Confrontation! 

Take Action

Impact of Fasting On High Blood Pressure

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The Biden Admin Looks Like Fools

Recounting US strategy

(The Duran Report)

Blundering Blinken
(RT CrossTalk)

One Food Lowered My Wife's Blood Pressure by 15-20 Points